About our Guide


Have you ever stumbled on a sight so magnificent it took your breath away? Well, humble internet patron, you have stumbled on a site (ha-ha!) such as that. This portal will take you on adventures of a friendly kind. Parents, students and especially children will enjoy clicking through the various resources gathered to help you along the path to discovery. Our galleries are from our own personal photos. A quick link to Google Image search adds a precision to our attempts at identification, but we're not experts. We try to correctly identify what you are seeing and link it to information about where it was found, but beyond this we take no responsibility implied or otherwise. All of our images are copyright protected and are available for commercial use by request.

Be a good human


We live by the creed "do no harm". It is important to remember that nature has a delicate balance and we as humans have the largest impact on sustainability. We are all observers and strive to leave all the areas covered in this guide as beautiful and clean as when we came across them. We observe all trail etiquette as recommended by the American Hiking Society. We always stay on the designated paths. This prevents erosion and helps keep the wild in wildlife.

Stay on the trail


When we see an opportunity to learn we first observe and take in the moment. What is that? The connections between our forests and our streams to our farms and our tables are infinite. We are all responsible for our health and the health of future generations. We ask that all visitors to this site take a moment to reflect on their own impact and what they can do to minimize their effect on our environment. Have you ever heard the term "farm-to-table" before? We take it a few steps further. Our philosophy "from-forest-to-stream-to-farm-to-table" means everything we do has an impact. We erode and disrespect our parks and fellow visitors by not following the rules, so let's all try to be good humans!

Visit the Boyle Family Field Guide

boyle-guideWe would also like to thank Mike, Maria and Adam Boyle for the inspiration to create this website. Without their original Boyle Family Field Guide this website would not exist. Please visit their site for a solid in-depth photo catalog of many different creatures, with a focus more on the eastern portion of the United States. Between these two guides we aim to have a rich and diverse data base for your viewing pleasure.

The original content uploaded there is one of the premier databases for all things living. Again, the idea behind the guide is that all photos of specimens have been personally observed, photographed and cataloged with the philosophy of "do no harm" and conservation as the main goal.

Help keep America beautiful

With today's uncertain political climate and fluctuating real estate values, the Seattle area has long been considered a prime place to retire and raise a family. With the rising population it is more important than ever to practice good citizenship and do your part to help keep our parks and trails beautiful. If you are a fan of conservation, the outdoors and exploring than please enjoy our portal to fun and information and remember..."do no harm!"

At the bottom of each page, you will find a link to our weekly survey. Please take a moment to reply and maybe even find a new place to explore. We promise never to spam you or sell your data to the man. Thanks for visiting and please enjoy our site!

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