The Brott Family Field Guide

Cool stuff we've found along the way...


We live in such a beautiful and diverse region! From the smallest fungus found on the forest floor of the Wonderland Trail to the majestic glaciers that top Mount Rainier we have brought the best of our family adventures straight to you! Our photo galleries are constantly updated with new material so please check back often. Help us identify and catalog interesting species of wildlife found in our area by adding your comments to our Google photo galleries. Our photos have an "info" tag that may give you some additional regional information.

Take a hike, eh?


We've taken the hassle out of your event searches to procure only the best web resources on one easy to navigate page. Something to do outside can be found for every family member, young or old. Want to go on a day hike? Want to stumble into a small town like John J. Rambo in Hope, British Columbia? Let us help you get started with a little inspiration and guidance to the Great Pacific Northwest and west coast region.

We are huge fans of the outdoors and really hope to inspire you to go outside and explore. "Put one foot in front of the other..." - some guy once said.

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